Online meeting: 3-4 August, 2021
Nominations for PCYI-Award competition: 30 June
© ICMRM 2021
© Werner Nystrand/Folio/
Tuesday 3 Aug (Central European Summer Time Paris/Berlin/Copenhagen) |
12:50. Welcome: Daniel Topgaard (Lund University, Sweden) |
Chair: Melanie Britton (University of Birmingham, UK) |
13:00. Plenary 1: Clare Grey (University of Cambridge, UK), New magnetic resonance methods for studying batteries in and ex situ |
Chair: Luisa Ciobanu (Neurospin/CEA, France) |
13:45. Bernhard Blümich (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), Introduction to Paul Callaghan Young Investigator Award |
13:55. PCYI 1: James Eills (University of Mainz, Germany), Singlet-contrast imaging for hyperpolarized MRI |
14:20. PCYI 2: Jiangfeng Guo (University of New Brunswick, Canada), Laminar flow characterization using low-field magnetic resonance techniques |
14:45. PCYI 3: Magdoom Mohamed Kulam Najmudeen (NIH, USA), A new approach to mesoscopic brain imaging using diffusion tensor distribution (DTD) MRI |
15:10. Break |
15:20. PCYI 4: Neil Robinson (University of Western Australia, Australia), Functional group resolved nuclear spin relaxation in porous media |
15:45. PCYI 5: Gonzalo Gabriel Rodriguez (University of Córdoba, Argentina), Fast field-cycling MRI: Exploring new physical contrasts |
16:10. PCYI 6: Vencel Somai (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom), Numerical optimization of MRI pulse sequences |
Chair: Shaoying Huang (Singapore University of Technology and Design) |
16:35. Invited 1: Carl Michal (University of British Columbia, Canada), Low-field NMR and MRI: A D.I.Y. journey |
17:00. End day 1 |
Wednesday 4 Aug |
Chair: Daniel Topgaard (Lund University, Sweden) |
13:00. Plenary 2: Klaas Prüssmann (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Mummies and myelin: Current efforts in short-T2 imaging |
13:45. Invited 2: Gisela Guthausen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), MRI in chemical engineering: The impact of mechanical forces on material properties |
14:10. Invited 3: Jonas Kind (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Coffee stains, euro bills and NMR spectroscopy – or Examination of droplet evaporation using NMR and MRI |
14:35. Break |
Chair: Diana Bernin (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) |
14:45. Invited 4: Marion Menzel (Technical University of Munich, Germany), Quantitative, multiparametric MRI using MR Fingerprinting concepts |
15:10. Invited 5: Martin Bruschewski (University of Rostock, Germany), Fluid mechanics experiments at high Reynolds number with MRI |
15:35. Invited 6: Maja Musse (INRAE Bretagne-Normandie, France), MRI relaxometry in food science |
16:00. Break |
Chair: Peter Basser (NIH, USA) |
16:10. Invited 7: Manisha Aggarwal (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA), Diffusion microimaging and brain tissue microstructure |
16:35. Invited 8: Samuel Grant (Florida State University and NHMFL, USA), MR microscopy at 21.1 T and above: ex and in vivo experiences |
17:00. Announcement of PCYI Award Winner and Closing: Diana Bernin (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) |